Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Fashion inspired by the Fourth of July

So this weekend, like most in the U.S. I saw fireworks. Even if you weren't looking for them or laying out on the ground beneath a display, you probably couldn't escape them. And like most (other than dogs and car alarms,) I enjoyed them! It did make me think of fashion that dazzles in a similar way.


The last time I went to Topshop I noticed sequins are back in a big way- they are definitely having a moment. Check it out.

Then there are these rings from Forever21:

Big statement rings have been in for a while now, but in the past it has been big stones. Here we have lots of little stones, and the effect is kind of like glitter.

Graffiti art

This picture from the fireworks we saw made me think of graffiti art and fashion, like these:


When the fireworks go up they light up the sky, and then as they fall they kind of look like streamers, or maybe tassles? And tassles have made a comeback too:

Topshop skirt

Do you ever get inspiration from an unexpected place?


  1. i love all of the sparkles and 'fireworks' from these outfits! the black ring is my favorite!

  2. One of my pet peeves is when people dress up head-to-toe in red, white and blue for July 4th. Super Cheesy! It's better to take one color or some sparkle like you said in your post :o)

  3. thanks for the feedback ladies! :)
    I agree on dressing up like the flag being cheesy- being proud is a good thing, but you can show that otherwise haha
